

No Kode Mata Kuliah Semester SKS Teori Praktikum
1 PSIKS2W004 Academic Writing and Research Methdology 1 3 3 0
2 PSIKS2W002 Data Science 1 3 3 0
3 PSIKS2W003 Persuasive Technology 1 3 3 0
4 PSIKS2W005 Advanced Database 1 3 3 0
5 PSIKS2W001 Algorithm 1 3 3 0
6 PSIKS2W006 Information Theory 2 3 3 0
7 PSIKS2W007 Technopreneurship 2 3 3 0
8 PSIKS2W008 User Experience Design and Software Engineering 2 3 3 0
9 PSIKS2W009 Research Planning 2 3 0 3
10 PSIKS2W010 Decision Suport System 2 3 3 0
11 PSIKS2W011 Information Retrieval 2 3 3 0
12 PSIKS2W012 Adavanced Natural Language Processing 3 3 3 0
13 PSIKS2W013 Multivariat Analysis 3 3 3 0
14 PSIKS2W014 Cyber Security 3 3 3 0
15 PSIKS2W015 Seminar Proposal 3 3 0 3
16 PSIKS2W016 Business Intelligence 3 3 3 0
17 PSIKS2W017 Deep Learning 3 3 3 0
18 PSIKS2W018 Scientific Publications 4 3 0 3
19 PSIKS2W019 Tesis 4 6 0 6